Remembering Birthdays
Happy Birthday Nikki!
The year seems to be going by fast! We've had a few grandchildren birthdays since the first of the year. Catching up can be a huge task, especially trying to remember whose birthday was on which day. Anyway, in January, we had Ethan and Christian.
Let's see, Pookie has been doing well and from the sounds of his mom's blog, he is leading an active life. So, the picture here is a before and recent.

Here is a recent picture of the island travellers, Henry and George. Now that they have a little brother, Theodore, they both help their mom when she calls. Of course, sometimes boys will get doing rough and tumble activities. I can just imagine in a couple of years when Theodore gets in the act also. Anyway, they too are among the bright grandchildren we've been blessed with.
Of course, reading the little tidbits of joyful interaction of the rest of the family, I certainly enjoy the little people goings on at Minot.
Then there's our eldest grandson Christian. He
was eight years old and was baptized by his dad. Little Buddy is active and very helpful to his parents. The best part I like is his example to his younger sisters. Way to go Christian!

In February, we had older birthdays to celebrate
with Jase, Jesse, and Troy. Now how old are you guys?
But this month of March, we've been blessed with the birthdays of granddaughter Anna, grandsons, George and Henry, and daughter Nicole. So, to remember their impact on our lives, here they are.

Above is Anna in the middle, between cousins Klailea and Henry
This picture of Princess Anna was taken last year outside their home in WA. As you can see, she's a pretty girl.
Here is our second grandson George. He turned six a week ago. He's enjoying school and doing well. He's talented and won an award in school. See his mom's blog for more update on George. Needless to say, we too are proud of George and how well he is doing.
From the look of this picture, one can only come to the conclusion that a boy who enjoys watermellon as seen here is happy and joyful. When we talk on the phone, he's always been cheerful and exciting. He's developed his conversation skills quite well and is very intelligent. I guess Henry can't wait to start school when he's old enough. As his Grandma would always ask, "Are you still my buddy?" He'd reply with a resounding "YES!"

Here is a recent picture of the island travellers, Henry and George. Now that they have a little brother, Theodore, they both help their mom when she calls. Of course, sometimes boys will get doing rough and tumble activities. I can just imagine in a couple of years when Theodore gets in the act also. Anyway, they too are among the bright grandchildren we've been blessed with.
Here was the last family picture we took in Hawaii. Of course, we've been back but never all together. And now, there are much more of us.
So, I hope these pictures down memory lane will bring back a memory or two to everyone.