Well, the push is for residents to use the pressurized irrigation water instead of culinary water for outdoor use, such as your lawns and gardens. Our old antiquated system included the manual mode of turning on the sprinkler (of which only three heads put out any water). The back up system consisted of dragging the water hose from spot to spot to water the lawn.
So, why hold back on progress? The city installed a connection box on our property. I just have to hook up the yet to be installed water sprinkler system. This is a project for guys, to design the sytem, acquire all the parts, go back for more parts, dig up the yard, lay pipe or poly hose, go back for more parts, etc., etc. Generally, this is not a male bonding type activity, the only fun part of the experience is seeing your system work, or playing in the water and mud.

The trencher is a big machine and it is very hard to maneuver. With Mark's help, we finally got all the yard trenched. It was such a mess, that even Ipo stumbled into a trench or two.

Still to this moment, we have only gotten to half of the front yard. Of course it would have been inappropriate to be pounding away with a sledge hammer on Sunday, so we rested with a great Father's Day celebration.
Great family visit from the Bennetts of Laie and the Summerill's of 900 N in PG and Bubba, their dog. Roast beef dinner, grand kids galore, and both lemon marainge pie and strawberry pie to top of the day. Wow, great day at our home. I also received calls and well wishes from our two daughter who live out of state and their family. A great news is that our daughter Erin, who has 3 boys, will be having a girl later this year. Wow, what a blessing.

So, here are a few pictures of the mess and work yet to be completed, also some of the grand kids. Oh, since my last posting, we've finally put in central air conditioning. Now the downstairs is an ice box. This week, we are removing the swamp cooler and package air conditioning unit from the roof and repairing the roof to prevent more roof leaks in our ceiling. Later we are finally moving ahead with putting a roof on the block house for storage items, and if the cost is down, converting our present wood and wire fences along the side of our home with a chain link fence. Of course, we have to finish on the water sprinkler system first. Maybe, if the price of fuel drops, we will venture out this summer on a trip with our family, to "Why Not, Minot?"
special note ** I try to keep up with the family blogs of our family. I want to commend them for their diligence and also for the good news of what's happening in their families. They are never forgotten and I do enjoy their news and content. We miss them all and am thankful that they have wonderful spouses and children. This is the price you pay for eternal happiness.