In the valley, if you live in PG, then the early morning whine of the firehouse siren can be heard. It sounds the start of the annual Firemens Breakfast. A community event of such magnitude that you won't forget it. Breakfast is served for a nominal amount, cheaper than "Mickey D's" and all you can eat. You meet friends and neighbors all having a grand social. Its a good way to start the morning especially the first Saturday in the month of May.

For the family, you get to climb up on the fire engine trucks and imagine you are a fireman. Best of all, sometimes the real firemen will be available to help you sound the horns and sirens or even give you a ride.
For a city that depends on a volunteer force, you can't beat the commitment and quality of their work.

Taking pictures on a Sunday is a task in itself. You have to keep the group in check by keeping them focused. That's after you've dressed them up appropriately. Here's Gabby, Pookie and Bun in their famous pose.

We all had a great visit, especially the Papa. This was taken on Sunday afternoon just before Nikki and the kids headed home to "Why not, Minot?" North Dakota.

The fun part was packing in everything. Luckily, none of the children were left behind, but after loading up the car, they all made it. As you can see, both Gabby and Pookie have their sun glasses on, ready for the trip. Poor Bun had to face the rear looking at the sack of oatmeal that was being taken home.

I guess Elijah was happy to say goodbye so he could get seated for the long trip home. It was a sad departure but in the end, they made it home safely.
As for the folks in PG, the quiet of the neighborhood soon became deafening and Po doggie had no little children to feed her. The house is quiet, things put away, furniture moved back to their original place and readied for another family visitor making their way home to PG.

This is Jo "wired", litterally. You might think that the recent visit might have something to do with this picture but it doesn't.
As you can see, she had been wired up to monitors to measure her sleep, or lack there of. It is quite scientific here.

This picture shows the attachments of the wires to her body. Look at all the different color ones. The test last until the morning. I hope she passed.
Anyway, this has been a snippet of our month of May. We hope you all enjoy the pictures and will update your blogs.
We look forward to sharing our next month pictures and updates of the family in PG. Bye for now.
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