Here are six of our fifteen grandchildren, during a recent visit to Pleasant Grove.

I find it hard to believe that it is springtime already because we haven't had any spring like weather to cheer about. Yesterday, it snowed about an inch in the afternoon. We have fruit trees to prune and a garden to prepare yet. That's not to mention all the repair work that needs to be done at home. So, spring is just a figment of ones wishful thinking.

What is true is that our daughter Leslie and children came for a week visit from Washington State. It was great to see them and the children sure enjoyed visiting with Erin's boys and dog. They came to attend General Conference and visit the family and friends in the area.
They got in some good sightseeing and made good use of their time. While here, we celebrated Jo's birthday with a party. Local family and some friends attended. Jo had her choice of having as many friends attend as her age. We tried to get to use the cultural hall at the meetinghouse but felt that it wasn't necessary.
We dare not put any candles on the cake for fear it would ruin the appearence.
Anyway, we had a nice visit with those who attended, ate dinner, dessert, played games, and let the kids watch a video.

From observing the visit and interaction of the cousins, I'd say that they all had a good time together. Our home was noisey, messy with toys scattered all over the place, and we even retreated to using paper plates so we wouldn't have to spend much time doing dishes.

While here, they visited, shopped, sewed, toured, baked, ate, and cooked. It was a fun visit but ended all too soon. We wished all our visiting children lived relatively closer.

We dare not put any candles on the cake for fear it would ruin the appearence.

Now that everyone's left, things are so quiet here. Even Ipo is saddened by the departure of the family.

We certainly enjoyed the visit and the opportunity to visit with each one. Emily is very loving and energetic when she's had enough rest or nap. Anna is very bright and loves to be considerate and playing games on the computer. Christian is very intelligent and helpful. He is looked up to by his younger cousins. George is very social and loves to be with his brother Henry and cousin Christian. They all play the PS2 very well. Henry seems to fit in just fine with any group and is bright. As for Teddy, he has now accepted me and can give me the reaffirmation or "high five" and loves to show me he can. We are so blessed to have these grandchildren and those who were not able to be here.
Happy Birthday MOM!! Wish we could have been there, it looks like all the grandkids loved it and the older kids too!! Soon we will come
We sure had a great time there! Crazy that there was snow a couple of times but super fun all the same! The kids still keep talking about the trip and the girls especially have fond memories of Depot (you know, their name for Ipo).
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