Anyway, the point taken here is that now with all the young-uns on their own with their own families, my wife and I have had great difficulty finding a good destination for a summer trip, or road trip, lest making preparations, getting ready for the road, housing the family pet, etc. Our previous commitment to stay in town, aka ecclesiastical callings/assignment, now completed, it made for good reason to hit the road. So in preparation, we have the checklist which includes all things necessary, such as, getting the car checked out, tire rotation, gas fill up, oil change, packing and loading the car. Then there are the more important things, like road trip survival gear that includes, audio books, camera gear, laptop, GPS (my lady), cell phone chargers, nutritional supplements (ice chest, paper products including TP, water, caffenated drinks aka Pepsi & Mt. Dew, Keebler Dark Chocalate and Almond cookies, Teriyaki Beef Jerky, chips, nuts, cheese sticks, etc.) So, after all the essentials are packed, we drop the pet off at Erin's boardomg kennel with detailed instructions how to take care of the pet. We make one last pit stop before hitting the road, house is secured, alarm set, thermostadt set, lights turned off, and then we remember to stop the mail and newspaper. So a quick after hours call to the local USPS, and we arrange for the newpaper to be picked up, we are off.
Since we are making a late departure, we'll wing it on the trip. We have a tentative idea how far we will travel and stop for the night. Lucky we got a GPS, who guideth our every move. I'm begining to get annoyed when it says "recalculating" in a very annoying english voice. All through the trip, you make a slight detour here or there and the response is "recalculating." There's only one thing to do here, "MUTE" the GPS voice!

The pioneers journey started on the banks of the Mississippi River and culminated in what is today, Salt Lake City with the prophetic statement made by Brigham Young, "This Is The Place!" I guess they had a better equivalent to the modern GPS that didn't say "Recalculating!"
So, like a modern pioneer, we hit the interstate, headed west, stopped in Elko, NV and went to Carson City, NV. From there we journeyed down to Yosemite National Park, CA and back to Lake Tahoe and on the Yerington to see family. On the way out, can't resist stopping at a military installation, Fallon Naval Air Station, NV. After the kind and simpathetic Marine allowed us on base, we got gas and snacks, and hit the road heading back to "this is the place" again with the annoying GPS lady repeating "Recalculating!" over and over again.
Once safely home, you check out the homestead and find that your garden is overwhelmed with humongous (sp) zucchinis. Should have told Erin to pick them while we were away.

Well, glad we're back, now it's time to get ready for our family reunion.