I love fireworks, starburst and bombs bursting in air. I'm patriotic, I'm proud to be an American, and I love our country. Also, I do enjoy a good reason to BBQ and then some. Here in Happy Valley, its a big deal, to celebrate the 4th of July. I love parades, patriotic ones, how about a good hot air balloon liftoff, or even the fireworks. Thats part of the celebration.

Our little town of PG had its own fireworks display and it was great. Only had to go down the street from our home, bring a lawn chair, park it in front of a neighbor's driveway and instant great seating. Great neighbors share their front driveway for the fireworks display. I setup my camera for some time exposure shots, got a great view, and just had to put up with onlookers or those arriving late driving up and down the street, with lights on of course. Hey, next year, we're blocking the road so no through traffic.
Love them fireworks. Can't wait for more. Enjoyed a great show, and so did many others.
I'm grateful for being an American, our way of life, our freedom to be Americans, and so on. Sunday meetings were up lifting, very spiritual. Others felt and expressed their testimonies with such wonderful spirit and deep feelings for our country.

Got up early to catch the balloon lift off in Provo. It was a fun event and I always enjoy the balloons. One day, I hope to catch a ride on one and take my camera to record the view.
Started to get warm for the parade, so I came home and caught up with putting my flag out for display. I love doing stuff like that.

While we enjoyed the holiday, there was a lot to catchup with and little time to do them. I was adjusting a couple of sprinkler heads in the yard and accidently broke one off. Got met with a sudden burst of water shooting straight up in the air and on me. It took me a while to shut off the water first and then try to fix the sprinkler head. In the end, I have that zone shut off and will replace the head completely.
On the bright side, most of the garden is planted and just one or two more projects to finish up. I'm going to add another Square Foot Garden grow box on the terrace for more stuff to plant and finish off planting two more rows in the garden. If all goes well, we should be buried in vegies by the end of August.

Speaking of celebrating the Independence Day, yesterday, our neighbor, Doug, was sworn in and got his American citizenship. Congrats. It's a big deal and I'm glad he realizes it. Most people take it for granted and don't appreciate the significance of their citizenship. If you've lived out of the US for a period of time, you get the message real quick.

Well, we're gearing up for our ohana reunion or get together in a month. Yes, we are a month away from kick off. Jo and I are looking forward to seeing as many of our grandchildren together in one spot. If all goes well, we will have 18 out of the 20 here in PG. That ought to be a sight. Looking forward to all the fun to be enjoyed. We are going to take some family photos and will have to Photoshop those who are missing into the picture.
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