If it has a keyboard, we liken it to a manual typewriter. If the keyboard is comfortable and slanted like a typewriter, we like it. If its flat or less than a full size, we have challenges. Heaven forbid, trying to type or text with those little tiny tiny keyboards that seem to slide out on a cell phone. It least that has more promise than tying to text using a numeric keypad of older cell phones.
Well, I frequent FB just about daily to keep up with people we know and whats happening in their lives. Its more interesting when it's from one of our children or their spouses.
On Monday, I answered an email from our youngest about what the current gas prices were. Not thinking and just answering her questions, I gave quotes from the local pumps here in Happy Valley. Seemed normal, since they are planning to travel to the mainland at the end of next month for family visits. Little preparation never is a waste on such matter as car rentals and gas prices.
Then the next day, my wife spied a comment on FB about if our youngest was going to attend her HS Reunion. Earlier comments were the great expense of airfares but as she read more comments, it was highly likely that our youngest was going to travel to the Mountain West to attend such HS Reunion.
The neat thing about FB is that you can get related comments or post from others say such as our son in-law. Yeah, his was more of a confirmation that they were indeed flying over. By then, other friends of our youngest innocently confirmed their meeting at the HS Reunion. Ah Hah!
So, we do the domestically proper thing, we call on the telephone, but no answers and try again and again. Same result. Then my wife decides to make an official inquiry by emailing our youngest. In polite surprise that we deducted the coniving plan of surprise, she admits to their travel plans. See, your secret is out on FB.
We are pleasantly happy for their travels, we get to see our #20 grandchild, and wow, how blessed we are. Oh yeah, the photo is compliments of our son inlaw using his new Apple iPhone 4 that he got in line at 2 or 3 AM in the morning in Las Vegas to get it. Neat or cool phone. He demonstrated some cool things that it does.
So in conclusion, if you don't want your parents to find out you plans or secrets, don't discuss it on FB even if it is a way of sharing the news.
1 comment:
HAHAHA!! That's so funny that she put it on there.
We can't wait to see everyone in August.
That baby is so cute!
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