Mele Kalikimaka
To all our family and friends, we say to you in the familiar Hawaiian greeting "Mele Kalikimaka" or Merry Christmas. Over the years, our Christmas traditions include celebrating Christmas Eve with a wonderful dinner in the company of our family and friends. This year has been no different. With one of our daughters and her husband and two sons, we were joined also with my nephew Aley and his wife Sarah and daughter Audrey and Sarah's Mom. In addition, our dear friends Boyd and Priscilla joined us in addition to two students from work, you know the type, RMs, single, and from Hawaii. The dinner was delicious, program was special with a live enactment of the Christmas Story, scripture reading and Christmas hymn singing. It was so nice to be with family and friends on this special evening.
Early this morning (4:30am) I drove Boyd and Priscilla to the airport so they could catch their flight to Atlanta and join up with some of their family to celebrate together. The highways were empty at that hour of the morning. At 7:00AM, Mom and I went to our home ward early morning Christmas service. It brought back memories of a tradition in our ward and was well attended. When we got home, we celebrated the morning opening Christmas gifts. We received visitors later in the day as well as telephone calls to most of our family, those that were home.
The picture is of a special gift from Mom, a memory quilt with pictures of our children and their families. She did a great job putting this special quilt together.
It was such a great day but especially knowing that this same activity was happening in the homes of each of our children. We hope you all had a great Christmas celebration and each of our grandchildren knew that he or she was loved. yes, we had cinamon rolls, hot cocoa breaks between opening presents.
I understand there is a movement in our family to join together and celebrate it together here in PG. I for one am not opposed to it at all. Infact I am encouraging it, and Mom too. I don't believe we have ever brought all our grandchildren together at one time. Wow, wouldn't that be exciting. I believe at the most, we've had three out of the five families here together. How about all five at once? Well, you all discuss it.
We will post more pictures soon. Mahalo, and Mele Kalikimaka and Hauole Makahiki Hou!
That is great to hear you had such a fun Christmas! Tell Mom the quilt turned out beautiful. And we want to see more pics of everyone that came for Christmas there.
Count us in for 2006 - save us a room :) and we'll be there!
We would like to reserve the big room with the small closet-- void of dog hair and spiders.
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