Garden Work
It seems appropriate to get as much garden work done when you can before the lazy, hazy days of summer arrive. Especially here below "G" Mountain, it is a tradition to start planting when the last threat of frost has past. So here are a few items we collected to plant in this year's garden.
Since Rachel and her children are visirting, I get all kinds of help and they don't mind. Pay is cheap, instead of money, a popsicle is just as good, or a promise to let them run through the sprinklers. It's all good and we've been having a great time with them all. So here are the garden and yard work pictures.

Some green lettuce already for transplanding or eating.
Some assorted garden plants to transplant are just waiting for me to fix up the garden box or make furrows in the big garden lot out back.
The visiting help need a break here.

A picture of my "square foot garden boxes" just before I fill them with "Mel's famous mix".
Rykell enjoying a popsicle.
Ipo does the "Ipo thing", preying on unsuspecting little people.
It looks like you had such a fun time and Rachel's girlies sure look like they loved the time in the yard and raising the flag! Your garden section is looking good. I'll have to remember (cause I keep forgetting ) to post my square foot garden pics today!
great photos, we love to garden with dad!! keep the updated photos of how the plants turn out.
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