The month of January has been more than we cared to think about. Lately, our wether pattern has been snow day, day to dig out from snow, then watch more snow fall, and the cycle continued. Early in the month, we had cold temperatures, below 20's and near zero amost for two weeks. I find that to be somewhat a hopeful blessing as the cold freeze would hopefully kill off some of the pesky bugs that come out in the spring and summer. It wouldn't hurt to kill off a few dandelions also at the same time.
So, our routine here has been pretty much the same, watch snow fall, shovel or snow blow, revel in clean sidewalks, watch more snow fall. In the meantime, I've found our daily newspaper burried in the snow several times. I purposely cleared off the sidewalks for the delivery guy or gal, to place our newspaper at our front door on on the porch. What really happens is a driveby hit by the newspaper person and quick getaway. They probably don't want to get their Air Jordans full of snow or on the floor of the car, so the next obvious thing is to lower the window, and bombs away! This is more customer relations stuff.
I cannot forget one instance when I took Jo to Salt Lake City for an early medical appointment. We arrive prior to the appointment and then I decided to wait in the car while she talked to the specialist. It also happened to be April 15th, and I was hurrying to complete our tax filing. While seated in the car and checking my figures, I noticed in my drivers side mirror President Hinckley exiting the hospital entrance and walking towards our car. I recognized him instantly and attempted to open my window but thought differently seeing the large stature of a man accompanying him. (Most likely his driver, and surely a descendant of the Nephite Warrior.) They were parked right next to me. So as President Hinckley got in his car, I waved to him and he acknowledged me with a friendly smile and a wave. He was so kind.
Our home has begun to change a little. Since there is no children living with us, only the Po doggie, Jo has retaken up her love for painting. It's been great to see her paintings. So instead of a quilt shop, we have a paint gallery. Maybe at a later time in the future, she will put on a display for the public. We also look forward to maybe doing more things together or sharing in each others interest. You laugh! But my take on this is that we would begin to take some trips to take pictures of the country and then she can express them in her paintings. That is our plan. Nearby, daughter Erin Noel Pualani has taken up doing portrait photography and doing really good work (of course with some of my camera equipment.)
We recognize that the low temperatures here may seem a bit balmy for those of you say in "Why not, Minot" but in your case, you have no choice. Uncle Sam wills you the frigid temperatures as a test of your endurance and perserverance. Being cooped up indoors all day would tend to drive some people to behave strangely. Anyway, our sympathies to you all.
In gratitude to our son-in-law for taking our beater of a snow blower to the shop for a badly needed tune up. Now, it works and has been a back saver for clearing the driveway and sidewalks. Before it got fixed, Mark and the boys would come over and shovel the walks and driveway. Then George, Henry and Bubba would play in the snow.
Watching the news, I saw an article that snow should be removed from sidewalks within 24 hours after the fall. Thank goodness we have compassionate community officials who have not enforced this law. Bunch of slackers but they believe in the spirit of the law, rather than the letter of the law.
On a more solemn note, with the passing of President Hinckley, many thoughts and expressions of grattitude and love have been shared by our children and friends. We wish to express our love to our Heavenly Father for placing such a special person to lead the Church during the past 12 plus years. Not only was he the living propher of God but a most kind and loving spirit to us all. "Peace be still, peace be still."

I've watched the news coverage of his life and comments from those who went to the viewing, and I cannot express to you, the great spirit of peace and love that is overwhelming. You can't help but feel the emotions and the great respect and love that he commanded as the most recent Prophet and leader of the Church. He will be missed.
I've taken the opportunity to review many of his addresses such as General Conference talks, BYU Devotional talks and other addresses he's made to the general public. They are all so clear and a voice of warning as he speaks in behalf of God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. I loved his counsel and also chastizement (to the brethren of the Priesthood.) What a great leader he has been in a time of so much confusion, dispare, greed, and hateThe funeral will be held tomorrow with other extended coverage on his life and ministry. I hope you all will have the opportunity to share in this broadcasts.
On another significant item, Feburary is the month of our wedding anniversary, our 35th. Wowzer. Five children four sons-in-law, one daughter in-law and fifteen grandchildren later we look upon you all with such joy and gladness. Your lives are a living testament of how much Heavenly Father has bless you all.
So, as you contemplate a trip back to Utah in the near future, you must make time for a view of the art gallery, family photo shoots, and spending time with 35th anniversary newly weds. 
I'm glad January is over too. We have to remove snow within 24 hours of it stopping. But I guess they didn't want to brave the NEGATIVE 51 degrees to give us a nasty-gram. Poor Danny had icicles on his eyelashes and the hood of his parka after shoveling one day.
The paintings look really great.
When President Hinckley passed away I remembered that time when you saw him. 8)
Yes February is a warm welcome! I love the paintings and the picture of you two. Happy Anniversary!!
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