It's Almost Christmas !!

Our grandsons George and Henry think its great to go out into the snow and make snow balls. They sure enjoy the fun of snow, since they don't get it on the beaches of Hawaii.
Well, in between all this excitement, we're busy running around making sure we've got our list and checking it more than twice. So, driving out in the winter cold is alright if you leave in enough time, but most of the people here are so aggressive in their driving. They aren't as polite or even charitable as in other areas of the country. Talking to some old timers from the area, they reason that people here in "Happy Valley" are the way they drive is because they're late. They don't think its a genetic deficiency or religious belief. It's because people are late and have to rush to where their going. So forget about being polite and doing good and peace on earth kind of stuff. That's for whimps. I've heard it referred to like the scene in the movie, "Fried Green Tomatos" where the female character in her large car says to the younger girls, "Forget it honey, its because I drive a bigger car and have more insurance." That kind of attitude gives anyone a better than even chance to survive the vicious cruelty of Christmas shopping.
So, tis the season and its already upon us.
1 comment:
Wow! You have lots more snow than us Minotians. Ethan told me yesterday that he wanted to ride his bike because "I can see a bit of driveway where the snow melted."
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