HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS!There is a balance in life that we often look forward to with either excitement of dread. Such as filling out the annual income tax forms and filing, not excited about this one, more dread. Then there's annual inventory work schedule, more dread here about this one. There is also daily chores and other stuff but I guess this is the way things are.
The most exciting times in our home is when our family members come home for the holidays. Its so great to see them and their families. The grandchildren are our joy. We enjoy every minute of their time with us. As usual, we get to spoil them and later, send them back to their parents, as payback. This is the way things are supposed to be.
When our kids were little, we lived far away from either of our families. At Christmas time, we spent most of it by ourselves, unless the my parents came for a visit. That's been the norm for us. When we stopped moving around, we are still far away from our family. That's the way things are. Now that our children are married and have their own families, they live away from us. That happens and it could be blamed on us for training them that way. But the upside is that they have good spouses, great children, and they are living their lives the best that they know how to.
Now, having thought about this at great length, we conclude that we have to just accept it. When the opportunity presents itself, we hope to spend quality time with each of our children and their family. Now, that means adjusting our work schedule, where possible, and go with the flow, sort of. interpreted, it means that we won't plan and schedule events and activities in advance for each day of their time with us, its their vacation also and so we decided to let them decide and choose what and when they want to do things. Like going shopping, or attending a special function, visit their friends or extended family in the area, etc., etc.
Since this is the holiday season, it should be fun for all, do alot of fun things, eat good stuff, watch great football, or even shop for fun things. To record the moment, we take a few pictures to say we were here and there, and did this and that. Then, we post them to the blog page as a testament of our holiday fun.
Before the next year begins, we've sort of made tentative plans of things we would like to do. Call that New Year resolutions or just a list of wants. When it comes to visiting with our children either at their home or here below "G" Mountain, we might consider the time of the year to travel, the cheapest travel time (if there is any such thing), special family events or in conjunction with significant events. It's like juggling schedules or coordinating our time with that of all of our children.
So, for future consideration, put it on the wish list of future events:
How about a coordinated family trip to Disneyland?
Attend the family reunion in Hawaii, whenever that's scheduled.
Have one of you host a mainland family reunion for our family?
Have a joint family trip together?
As you consider these suggestions, also factor in that mom can't walk far, there should be reasonable shopping areas close by, lodging cost should be cheap or free, and there should be enough room for all of us. Also pick a good time of the year so all of us can attend. This is a work in progress but if each family can project a proposed time of the year with alternate times, we could make this happen. Give these thoughts some time to digest and let me know your ideas.
Well, tomorrow, Erin and the boys arrive in town for the holidays. I'm sure their will be some good "guy time" just as George and Henry call it. Next week, Leslie, Troy and family will arrive. We are going to have some great time, all of us. Anyway, we can't wait. Then later, we'll get to see Klai, Rykell, Shay and their parents. It's going to be a fun visit.
This is what the holidays are all about.
Now returning to the "Home for the Holiday" theme, we look forward to the excitement and fun. For those who we know can't be with us, we will meet