Life is sort of quiet here except for some dog barking in the night, or the smell of freshly cut alfafa, or even the noise of neighbor kids playing "night" games. At this time of the season, its time to plant, yes, our gardens, reworking the lawns, etc.
Mt. Timpanogos was majestic the other day during my water turn.

There's been some vacated spots on the terrace area that we put our Square Foot Gardening boxes. Prior to that, there was an apricot tree and a peach tree. The gardner's helper pruned one tree so much, it never recovered and had to be terminated. It was already beyond help.

With the warm weather, the flowers are starting to bloom, giving a sweet fragrance to the air. Some of Jo's roses are really pretty.

When gardening, you need to get good help. Just so that I have to willing helpers who have been fun to work with and excited about gardening. Klailea and Rykell have been put to good use helping in the garden and lawn. (Check out my previous blogs on this.)

Klailea has been so fun to work with and excited to help. She does good work.

As a side light for working outside, they wanted to run in the sprinkler. The weather was getting warmer and this was a good way to let off some energy.

We got the two of them still enough to take a picture with us and Ipo.

Here you see the hired help who did an excellent job planting the herbs, and other vegetable plants. Since I had more than would fit in the boxes, I will use the excess plants in the big garden.

Our granddaughters seemed to get really excited planting seeds such as bush beans here.

Of course, Rachel shows her expertise in planting. Not only has it been a good visit but a very productive one with working on the lawn and garden. I got the last of the sod laid with her help and most of the bare spots have been coved.
Anyway, I whole heartedly endorse the square food gardening as a way to have some fun in gardening. I refer you to our daughter Leslie's blog page. This method of gardening is not only organized but eliminated some of the inherent problems with finding proper space and then the long hours spend maintaining the garden from weeds and other pests.
Shortly, I'll construct my trellis rack to let things like mellons and other vine climbing plants grow upwards. Anyway, I think after I install a drip system to water the garden boxes, it will be pretty much self sustaining.
On shorter note here. I followed Mel's mix and calculated the amount of ingredients I would need. When I used the nutrimulch compost mix plus another type of compost mix (recommed in Mel's book) our dog thought that the stinky mulch was so delightful that she got into the bag and has been edging towards the garden boxes. I may have to construct a dog barrier to keep her out.
Happy trails and good gardening.
Sterling, this is Brenley (Jase's sister)...Jase gave me your blog address and I have to say, I am impressed with your square foot gardening. My husband, Justin, spend a summer a few years ago in Guatemala teaching people many of which was how to square foot garden. Glad to know that people are doing it here. I am totally going to once I have a yard, or balcony i guess...that will come sooner. Anyway, it was fun reading all about it! Good luck!
Wow dad, your new garden looks fabuloso! I am sad that we will no longer be there in the fall to reap the benefits of the garden. ummmm....I see little bellies poking out of bikinis! since when was that allowed? hahahaha
we had so much fun that we are home I hope to have Jase build me a square foot garden. The girls and I loved planting, I can't wait to get some good herbs and veggies going.
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